ps11’S core values

Values To Live And Learn By

Commitment To Learning:

  • We seek knowledge to better our community and ourselves

  • I can do anything when I work hard

  • I am valuable


  • We treat people and our community with love and appreciation. We treat each other as equals.

  • I will listen to you.


  • We are active members of our community. We speak up when someone is endangering our community

  • I am one of many


  • When we cause harm, we apologize and accept the consequences.

  • I take ownership of my actions 


  • We treat people and our community with love and appreciation. We treat each other as equals

  • I will listen to you


  • We set a good example by having the courage and he self-determination to do what’s right, especially when others or not

  • I am capable and powerful


  • We are loyal to our Friends and community

  • You can count on me


  • We are active members of our community. We speak up when someone is endangering our community.

  • I am one of many


arrival + dismissal

official school hours

7:45A Breakfast Program Starts

8:15A Breakfast Program Ends

8:20A (School Starts)

Lunch is Served Daily & Recess Held outside (unless inclement weather) 

Time slots are dependent on Grade & Classroom assignments.  

2:40P (School Ends)

Before School (7am) and Afterschool Enrichment (2:40-6:00pm) is available for students whom enroll in our After School  Enrichment Programs (ASE).