ps 11 pta general fund

At PS 11, we believe that every student deserves a rich, well-rounded education that goes beyond the basics. That’s why the PTA invests over $500 per student in essential enrichment activities that ignite curiosity and foster a love of learning. From vibrant dance classes and dynamic drumming sessions to exciting capoeira lessons and inspiring choir performances, we weave a tapestry of experiences into our curriculum.

Our commitment extends to vital areas like swim lessons, garden science, free academic support, and recess coaching—all essential components that enhance our students' educational journey. This dedication is above and beyond the full-time enrichment staff and programming supported by our school budget.

To continue this tradition of excellence, we rely on your generous support. Donations to our General Fund will be directed to where the need is greatest, ensuring that all our programs thrive and evolve. If you have a specific program you're passionate about and wish to contribute directly, please contact us at

Together, we can provide our children with the diverse and enriching experiences they need to excel and grow.


PS 11 is excited to offer school year long swimming classes free of charge to all 2nd grade students. PS 11 has partnered with Imagine Swimming, the premier NYC swim school for these lessons. The PTA also provides a free swim bag containing a towel, swimsuit, swim cap, and goggles to each student to eliminate the economic barrier for participation in this program. The PTA is seeking to raise $90,000 to support this program this year.

academic support academies


PS 11 offers free academic support for students who are performing below grade level or want additional help mastering strategies and concepts.  Students in 1st and 2nd grade who are considered at-risk academically are invited to work with teachers for three hours after school on Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturday morning.  The programs are also open to all students in 3rd – 5th grade and have an added component of State test preparation.  PS 11 teachers lead the academic support programs to ensure high-quality instruction that aligns with the classroom curriculum and expectations. The PTA is seeking to raise $50,000 to support this program this year.

school supplies

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This fund supports the purchase of school supplies for our families in need as well as back up supplies for teachers and the administration. The PTA is able to purchase supplies in bulk which allows for economies of scale and cost savings. The PTA is seeking to raise $10,000 to support this need this year.

Hydroponics & Garden Science


Over the past three years our garden program has evolved from its original outdoor garden to a comprehensive agriculture and life science syllabus that is fully embedded in our core curriculum. Our current program encompasses PreK - 3rd grade with modules on garden science, nutrition, culinary arts and hydroponics. Our goal is to expand programming through 5th grade by: i) building an aquaponics lab with related programming; and ii) introducing a food justice curriculum and student-led food justice community projects. Funds will also support the salary of our garden teacher. The PTA is seeking to raise $65,000 to support this program this year.

Dance & Djembe Drumming ResidencIES

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PS 11 partners with incedible Alvin Ailey alumni, Dwana Smallwood, Sherece Donalds, and Brother Matt to provide weekly dance lessons and djembe drumming lessons to our students.  They provide a comprehensive introduction to both dance as a technique and a historical and creative art form.

Music Program

At PS11, we firmly believe in the scientific research evidencing that quality music education is a basic building block of intelligence that supports academic achievement and healthy social development over the long-term. Accordingly, we thoughtfully invest in integrating music into our core curriculum and have a full-time music teacher on staff. Our primary music program consists of: i) Djembe Drumming for all PreK & Kindergarten students; ii) Choir classes with the NY Metropolitan Opera Urban Voices Program for all 1st grade students, iii) violin instruction for all 2nd grade students; iiii) guitar instruction for all 3rd grade students; and v) nine elective bands, consisting of 20+ instruments, offered to 3rd -5th graders.  With your support, we will be able to sustain broad student access to our extended day band program as well as elevate our music instruction and performance with better instruments. The PTA seeks to raise $40,000 to support extended day instruction (before and after school), $15,000 to support the choir program, and $20,000 for new instruments and maintenance of our current stock of equipment. 

Recess Program

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PS11 partners with Kids In The Game, a leading provider of sports-based youth development programs, to facilitate a safe environment for all students to engage in a variety of games and activities during recess. The coaches facilitate fair play and model problem solving and teamwork through games designed to incorporate all skill levels.  This approach eliminates the need for natural aptitude and instead uses the games to achieve character building goals. Kids in the Game provides four coaches during each recess session as well as training for our school aides who assist the coaches in maintaining a safe environment for our students. Our goals is to raise $82,000 for this program this year.

Scholarships for fee based after school programs

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A central tenet of PS11’s mission is to ensure equity in education among our diverse student body, and as such we seek to provide broad access to our fee-based after school enrichment program and early drop off program. Students can choose from an extensive list of visual and performing arts, sports and STEM classes including but not limited to piano, ballet, hip hop, basketball, tennis, chess, coding, robotics, botany, animation, and ceramics. An hour of universal fun fitness is included with the classes and homework help is offered for an additional fee from 5-6pm. The average cost per class per term is $295 plus $40 for homework help. Early Morning drop off begins at 7am and costs $295 per term per student.